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Ulice Francouzká, Brno, 26,000 BC 

shaman from French

Kombinovaná technika

Moravian State Museum, Brno 2022

At the end of the 19th century, the grave of a robust man aged around 50 was discovered in Francouzká Street. Together with the skeleton se 
On the long-nosed brain, prominent supraorbital arches, separated by a clear depression from the low forehead, attract attention. The hump (osteoma) on the sagittal seam could perhaps have been the result of an injury, as could the dimple in the right part of the frontal bone. There are traces of a small cyst on the left half of the lower jaw, and all teeth have a significantly worn biting surface. The inside of the skull shows a very ancient vein structure, analogously close to Neanderthals. However, the most important pathological changes are found on fragments of long bones. Clear traces of long-term inflammation can be observed on both femur fragments and on a fragment of the ulna and humerus. Given that the pathological changes affected bones from different parts of the body, it was a general disease of infectious or metabolic origin, and this excludes the possibility of injury. The disease was chronic and the man had to suffer considerable pain for a long time, which undoubtedly affected his mental state as well. It

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